I got everything done today before the day officially started. (And by everything I just mean ballet, Bible, and budget). Of course, the song I did for ballet was only a minute long.... and there was nothing to do for the budget because I checked yesterday and mvelopes doesn't update very quickly. But I did read three and a half chapters of Romans.
I had some delightful moments watching my youngest try to imitate my husband brushing his teeth. Then I got to shower with minimal interruptions. And getting the older two motivated to get dressed took less effort than usual...
And then I came downstairs.
I don't know what it was that sapped my motivation. The house isn't that messy. The renovations are not that intrusive. The only thing I can figure is that now is the time I'm faced with cooking eggs, and I hate eggs.
I hate eggs.
What do you eat every morning on a low carb diet? Eggs. Or leftovers, but if I eat them for breakfast then what will I eat for lunch? Eggs? See, there's no way around it. Occasionally I make pancakes (which are totally a cheat). Sometimes I make custard and pretend it's a legitimate breakfast food. I've even gotten crazy and tossed veggies and cheese in the eggs in an attempt to disguise anything healthy with cheese. But every morning I reach the point when I am faced with a carton of eggs and a low supply of creativity.
That point, unfortunately, is now.
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