Wednesday, December 21, 2011

No More Naughty Stool

I'm up in the middle of the night with another idea to blog about.  Probably it was just the call of the cookies...

Superboy broke the "naughty stool" today. 

I was trying to be all like Supernanny.  I've been going out of my mind the past week because for some reason the word "butt" is hilariously funny to four-year-olds.  Now, I have no problem with butts, but I'm a bit annoyed having to listen to the word repeatedly every two seconds.  And when I asked him to stop, he started mouthing it to his friend, the Princess. 

That's just cheek.

So, in my best Supernanny fashion, I designated a stool in my bedroom the "naughty stool".  And it worked too.  Each of the ten million times he had to go into my boring bedroom to sit on the stool made him wonder why he said butt once again!  (Okay, now that I think about it, this is a new definition of the word "worked".)

Except today while he and the princesses were running around the house, and I was doing my best to ignore them running around the house since it was raining and they couldn't run outside, he fell against the naughty stool and broke it.  Broke one of the legs completely off.  No more naughty stool.

And I can't really be upset.  Because I was the child who would have, unthinkingly, broken any number of things.  Mom used to complain that anytime she put her soda can on the floor, my feet would magically find it and tip it over.  No matter how many times she warned me it was there.  (Since I moved out she has gotten a coffee table so it's not an issue when I visit and I feel more like a successful walking grownup!)

In fact, a couple months ago at a friend's child's birthday party, I was asked to carry a bunch of utensils and the watermelon slices outside, and of course tried to do this all at one shot, which resulted in half the watermelon on the floor.  And I just sighed and realized that old Angie had struck again, and at least my mom wasn't around to remind me that I need to think before I act.

It also made me realize that Superboy will probably always suffer with this "not thinking" problem that I have as well.  Maybe I should cut him some slack at times so he doesn't picture his mom yelling at him when he's a grownup too. 

"No more naughty stool, Mom!"

Ha ha, Superboy.  There are at least a dozen more chairs in this apartment.  I'm not cutting you THAT much slack. :)

Ideas for getting more movement out of a small space on a rainy day:


Start the kids at one end of a long room (living room, hallway, etc) and ask them to move across the space like an animal. 

Brainstorm a few unusual animals beforehand and write them down so you don't end up like me saying, "uh... frog... again."

Do this as a race ("First one to mom picks the next animal!") or take turns.  Join in with the kids and burn some calories!  (I'm trying to "think like someone who likes to move" more since I can't afford a gym membership and stay home with the kiddos at the same time.)


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